Dr. Annett Kaminski


Marktstr. 40
Gebäude: Rote Kaserne, Raum: 304
76829 Landau


Nach Vereinbarung

Zur Person

  • Practical Grammar & Vocabulary (Modul 4.1 – Ü)
  • TEYL – Vorlesung (Modul 9.1 – Ü)
  • TEYL – Cultural Studies & Landeskunde (Modul 9.2 – Ü)
  • TEYL – Cultural Studies & Literature (Modul 9.2 – Ü)

  • Reflective practice in teacher education
  • Primary EFL classrooms
  • Young EFL learnes' response to multimodal features of thymes, chants, songs & stories
  • Picture books in ELT
  • Prefabricated language, memorization and fluency in FL learning and teaching

1991 Abitur, Dresden

1991-1997 Studium an der TU Dresden, Fächer: Germanistik, Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Psychologie und Pädagogik, Abschluss: Erstes Staatsexamen und Magistra Artium 

1993-1994 Foreign Language Teacher Assistant in Caerphilly/UK

1994-1997 Freelance Language Instructor (EFL und DaF), Dresden

1995-1998 Ensemblemitglied der English Drama Group an der TU Dresden

1997-1999 Referendariat am Staatlichen Seminar für das Höhere Lehramt an Gymnasien in Dresden, Abschluss: 2. Staatsexamen (Englisch/Deutsch)

1999-2000 Kursleiterin für Englisch im Berufsschulbereich und in der Erwachsenenbildung in Dresden und Leipzig, Koordination von Englischunterricht in Firmen und Cambridge-Certificate-Kursen

2000-2005 DAAD-Lektorin am German Department an der University of Wales Swansea/UK, Planung und Durchführung von Sprachkursen im Bachelorstudium (language classes, conversation, essay and creative writing)

2005-2017 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Teilzeit) am Institut für fremdsprachliche Philologien, Fach Anglistik (IFA), Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

2006-2014 Part-time PhD programme, Applied Linguistics, Swansea University/UK

2016 PhD (Dr. Phil.) in Applied Linguistics Swansea University/UK

seit 2017 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Vollzeit) am Institut für fremdsprachliche Philologien, Fach Anglistik (IFB), Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

Forthcoming. Introducing pre-schoolers and first graders to English: Pre-service teachers’ insights. Neofilolog 64:1. Available at: https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/n/index.

Forthcoming. Developing student teachers' awareness of multimodal features through task-based activities around picturebooks. In: Mourão, S. and Bennett, K. (Eds.) Mediation in Multimodal Literature, Education and Translation: Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives. Routledge.

2024. Encouraging reading for pleasure: Student teachers and their reading journals. Paper presented at Fostering Dialogue Online Conference - Teaching Children's Literature and Reading for Fun at University. 21-23 November, UiC Barcelona, Spain.

2024. Teaching-based master dissertations to support reflective practices when using story in early English language learning. In: Mourão, S. and Leslie, C. (Eds.) Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe. London: Routledge.

2024. Setting the scene for in-depth learning: Story-based activities around picturebooks in primary EFL. Paper presented at RidEL - Reading for in-depth English Learning Conference. 6-8 May, Nord University Bodø, Norway.

2024. Introducing pre-schoolers and first graders to English: Student teachers' insights. Paper presented at the Inaugural International ELLRA Conference. 25-27 April, UKEN Krakow, Poland.

2023. Conducting story-based activities in times of social distancing. In: Stadler-Heer, S. and Paran, A. (Eds.) Taking Literature and Language Learning Online: New Perspectives on Teaching, Research and Technology. London: Bloomsbury, pp.115-136.

2022. Navigating a road to recovery in primary EFL: Student teachers' observations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at ELLME 2022 International Conference - Future Challenges in Early Language Learning & Multilingual Education. 22-24 June, Granada.

2021. Developing student teachers' awareness of multimodal features through task-based activities around picturebooks. Paper presented at Picturebooks and graphic narratives in education and translation: mediation and multimodality - Virtual 2021. 24-26 June, CETAPS, FCSH, Nova University Lisbon.

2020. Entering the world of early EFL classrooms: Student teachers' experience with picturebooks. Paper presented at TEdELL 2020 Virtual - Teachers and Teacher Educators: Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning, 12-14 November 2020, Nova University Lisbon.

2020. Creating a multimodal and holistic learning experience with Catherine Rayner's Augustus and His SmileCLELE Journal 8(2): 39-64. Available at: http://clelejournal.org

2020. Zooming in on Incy Wincy Spider and co. Paper presented at LiLLT Online Symposium - Taking Literature Online in Times of Crisis, 23 October 2020, University of Erfurt, UCL Institute of Education & Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

2020. Goldilocks revisited - from folk tale to picturebook in primary EFL. In: Pattison, T. (Ed.) IATEFL 2019. Liverpool Conference Selections. Faversham: IATEFL.

2019. Developing reflective teaching practice in future primary schoolteachers through story-based primary EFL teaching projects. Paper presented at LiLLT Conference - Research in Literature in Language Learning Environments: Patterns and Possibilities, 29-31 August 2019, Erfurt.

2019. Goldilocks revisited - from folk tale to picturebook in primary EFL. Paper presented at IATEFL, Literature SIG Showcase, 2-5 April, Liverpool.

2019. Young learners' engagement with multimodal texts. ELT Journal. 73(2): 175-185. Abstract: https://academic.oup.com/eltj/article-abstract/73/2/175/5364520

2018. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: ein Märchen aus der Schatztruhe des englischsprachigen Kulturraumes. In: Smieja, B. und Weyrauch, O. (Hrsg.) Fächerübergreifender Grundschulunterricht: Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis. Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang, S.157-180. 

2018. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: activities for the primary EFL classroom. Workshop for primary school teachers at Storytelling Goes Future, 18 October, Pädagogisches Landesinstitut, Speyer.

2017. Recommended Read: Ezra Jack Keats‘ Dreams. CLELE Journal 5(2): 49-50. Available at: http://clelejournal.org

2016. Voices from primary EFL classrooms: young learners' response to multimodal texts. Paper presented at Challenging Reading: English-Language Education With Children and Teenagers, 10-12 March, University of Münster.

2013. From reading pictures to understanding a story in the FL. CLELE Journal 1(1): 19-38. Available at: http://clelejournal.org

2011. From reading pictures to understanding a story in the L2. Paper presented at YLT SIG Symposium: Picturebooks in ELT, IATEFL, 15-19 April, Brighton.

2010. Investigating the use of songs, rhymes and stories in primary EFL teaching. Paper presented at Children’s Literature in Language Education: From Picture Books to Young Adult Fiction, 25-27 February, University of Hildesheim.

2008. A questionnaire for primary school teachers of English: From questionnaire administration to data analysis. Paper presented at Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Conference, 12-14 March, Gregynog.

2007. English in primary schools in Germany: Constructing survey questions for teachers. Paper presented at Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Conference, 21-23 March, University of Wales Swansea.

2001. Hermann Sudermanns 'Litauische Geschichten': Ihre Sprachstruktur und Redesituation. In: Zimmermann, P. (Hrsg.) Deutsche Literatur im frühen Preußen und im Baltikum: Festschrift für Klaus Hammer. Beiträge dreier Studentenkonferenzen an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Riga, der Staatlichen Universität Kaliningrad und der Universität Gdańsk (6.-19. Oktober 1996). Dresden, Freiberg, Niederstriegis, S. 127-138.

SciPort RLP

Intercultural & Citizenship Education through Teacher Education for the Mediation of Picturebooks (ICETEMP)

Erasmus+ Programm (September 2024 - August 2027),

co-funded by the European Union

No: KA220-HED-2024-011

Partner Institutions:

Copenhagen University College, Denmark (lead)

Nova University Lisbon, Portugal

University of Udine, Italy

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Cukurova University, Turkey

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany