Decker, H., Angus, D., Bruns, A., Dehghan, E., Matich, P., Tan, J., & Vodden, L. (2024). Topic diversity in social media campaigning: A study of the 2022 Australian federal election. Politics and Governance, 12. doi:
Decker, H., & Krämer, N. (2023). Is personality key? Persuasive effects of prior attitudes and personality in political microtargeting. Media and Communication, 11(3), 250-261.
Decker, H., Cetinkaya, N. E., & Krämer, N. (2023). A cross-national evaluation of a value-based measure of political orientation (POS). PsyArXiv [PrePrint].
Decker, H., & Feier, A. (2023). The end of the world or just a turning point? Effects of negative and positive wording within sustainability campaigns on Social media. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui.
Wilms, K. L., Meske, C., Stieglitz, S., Decker, H., Fröhlich, L., Jendrosch, N., Schaulies, S., Vogl, R. & Rudolph, D. (2017. August). Digital transformation in Higher Education–new cohorts, new requirements?. Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston.
Decker, H., Meier, Y., Neubaum, G., & Dreston, J. (2024. June). When the political becomes private: Longitudinal dynamics between privacy concerns, cost-benefit-calculations, and political expression in social media. [Original research, Conference presentation]. International Communication Association – 74th Annual conference, Gold Coast.
Decker, H. & Krämer, N. (2023. September). Insights on Young Voters’ Social Media Diet within Election Campaigns - A Qualitative Analysis of Political Social Media Content. [Original research, Conference presentation]. MediaPsych 2023, 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Luxembourg.
Decker, H., Cetinkaya, N. E., & Krämer, N. (2023. June). A Cross-National Evaluation of a Value-Based Measure of Political Orientation (POS). [Original research, Conference presentation]. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow.
Decker, H. (2023. May): The role of personalisation on social media in political campaigns. [Thesis, Conference presentation]. Political Communication Graduate Student Preconference at the 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association, Toronto.
Decker, H., & Krämer, N. (2023. May). Looking for Information or Confirmation? Longitudinal Relations of Young Voters Social Media Exposure, Attitudes, and Vote Certainty Within Election Campaigns. [Original research article, Conference presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association, Toronto.
Decker, H. & Krämer, N. (2022. May). Personality-Based and Attitude-Congruent Microtargeting Effects of Prior Attitudes and Personality in Political Social Media Ads [Original research article, Conference presentation]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim.
Decker, H., Cetinkaya, N. E., & Krämer, N. (2022. July). Development of an International Measure for Political Orientation. [Original research article, Conference poster]. EASP Meeting: New Directions in the Conceptualization and Measurement of Political Ideologies, Mannheim.
Decker, H. & Krämer, N. (2022. May). My Attitude, My Personality, My Vote? Persuasive Effects of Prior Attitudes and Personality in Political Microtargeting. [Original research article, Conference presentation]. 72nd Conference of the International Communication Association, Paris.
Decker, H. & Krämer, N. (2022. March). Persuasive Effects of Prior Attitudes and Personality in Political Microtargeting. [Original research article, Conference presentation]. 24 hours of Political Psychology, Online.