CampusSchule projects run by the Department of English

CampusSchule (literally: "CampusSchool") is an ongoing collaboration between RPTU and local schools. Drawing on a wide range of experiences from art to music to dance to sports to poetry to phonetics, CampusSchule projects run by the Department of English aim to promote oral skills at school while simultaneously enriching university teaching with classroom reality. Since the very beginning in 2013, students have played a vital role in setting up and carrying out CampusSchule projects.

Dr Bernd Engelhart (Project Leader)


Enhancing Oracy Through Art-and music-based Language Learning
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Landau

Contemporary Dance Project (Dancing Participles and Phrasals)
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Landau

Poetry Slam Project
Eduard-Spranger-Gymnasium, Landau

Phonemic Inventory Project
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Landau

American Football Project
Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Landau


Miriam Bernd, M.Ed (2013-2014)

Clarissa Braun, M.Ed. (2022)

Bernd Engelhart, Dr. phil.

Conny Fink, M.Ed. (2013-2014)

Laura Hager, M.Ed. (2013-2014)

Freya Hemesoth, M.Ed. (2016)

Melanie Hofmann, M.Ed. (2016-2017)

Sinah Hölzer, M.Ed. (2013-2014)

Thea Karrer, M.Ed. (2016-2017)

Philipp Maas, B.Ed. (2019-2020)

Rufusiah Molefe, B.A. (2013)

Matlhogonolo Mooketsi, B.A. (2014)

Tim-Oliver Paul, B.Ed. (2013-2014)

Monika Reif, Dr. phil.

Selina Schleppi, M.Ed. (2019-2020)

Sebastian Schöndorf, M.Ed. (2013-2014)

Paul Selebatso, B.A. (2014)

Leonie Wittoesch, M.Ed. (2022)