Thomas Gurke
Akademischer Mitarbeiter
- Modern English Literature with emphasis on the 19th, 20th and 21st century
- Authorship
- Affect Studies and Process-Philosophy
- Ecocriticism and Ecology
- Intermediality (Text-Music relationships)
- Aesthetics and History of Music
- The Short Story
- Literary Representation of the City
- Anglo-Irish Studies
- James Joyce
- Samuel Beckett
fuga per canonem: A Flight Through the Canon. Music Aesthetics and Affect in James Joyce. [in preparation/forthcoming].
Articles and Chapters
“Remix Aesthetics and the Musicalization of Sound in Matthew Herbert’s The Music (2018)”. Walter Bernhart & Werner Wolf (eds.). ‘Make It Old’: Retro Forms and Styles in Literature and Music. Word and Music Studies 19. Amsterdam/Boston, MA: Brill-Rodopi [accepted/forthcoming 2022]
Entries in Encyclopedias
- Featured in "Die Musik in 'Ulysses' von James Joyce" by Teodora Bala-Ciolanescu for the centenary of Joyce's Ulysses. SWR2: Treffpunkt Klassik (Wednesday, 2 February 2022).
- (with Ralf Schlüter). Podcast-Episode in ‘Ulysses’ lesen on the German translation of Ulysses for the centenary in 2022. Sponsored by the German ‘Times’ (Die Zeit, 60 minutes)
- fuga per canonem: A Flight Through the Canon. Music Aesthetics and Affect in James Joyce (summary of PhD-dissertation). Stella Neumann (ed.), English and American Studies in German. Vol. 4, No. 1. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter 2015, 42-44.
- Interview for German Radio on the ‘representation of music through language’ in the works of James Joyce (“75. Todestag von James Joyce. Die Darstellung der Musik durch Sprache”. Moderation: Nele Freudenberger; Redaktion: Ulrike Gruner). 12th January 2016. West-deutscher Rundfunk (WDR 3). (07:25 minutes).
May – June 2018: Guest-Lectureship at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
May 2018: “Beckett’s Stages”. Guest-Lecture at the University of Bayreuth.
Since October 2017: Lecturer at the Department of Cultural Studies, University Koblenz-Landau (Campus Landau) – Chair: Prof. Dr. Kathleen Starck.
October 2008 - September 2017: Lecturer and ERASMUS-Coordinator at the Chair of Modern English Literature, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Chair: Prof. Dr. Roger Lüdeke).
August 2007 – September 2008: Exam-Coordinator for the English Department, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
October 2006 – July 2007: Lecturer at the Chair of Modern English Literature, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
September 2002 – September 2006: Student Research- and Teaching Assistant at the Chair of Modern English Literature, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Chair: Prof. Dr. Therese Seidel).
.September 2000 – April 2004: Technical Translator, Marketing- and Sales Support, Panasonic Industrial Europe, GmbH.
Summer 2008 – Summer 2014: PhD (summa cum laude), HHU Düsseldorf. Dissertation: “Fuga per canonem: A Flight Through the Canon. Music Aesthetics and Affect in James Joyce". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Therese Seidel, Prof. Dr. Roger Lüdeke.
Winter 2000/2001 – Summer 2006: Graduation Magister Artium in Modern English Literature, Medieval English Literature and Musicology at Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf and Robert-Schumann-Hochschule, Düsseldorf. M.A.-Thesis: "Music and its Function in James Joyce's Dubliners and Ulysses" (1,4). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Therese Seidel, Prof. Dr. Susanne Peters.
Scholarships and Awards
January-March 2018. Fellowship of the Heine-Research-Academy (HeRA) for Archival Research in the William S. Burroughs-Papers at the Berg Collection, New York Public Library. New York, NY (USA).
Winter 2015: Award for the best PhD-Dissertation of 2014 from the Faculty of Arts at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (HHU-website & newspaper article).
Summer 2012: UB-Special Collections Scholarship at the Humanities Institute, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA (April-June).
Summer 2009: Scholarship at the James Joyce Foundation in Zurich, Switzerland (Friends of the Zurich James Joyce Foundation Scholarships, August-October).
Winter 2005: Research-Scholarship at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (DAAD-Stipendiate, August-October).
- 12-14 September 2019: “‘that rarefied amalgam of time’ – Three discourses on time in Mike McCormack’s Solar Bones (2016)”. Modernism and Multiple Temporalities. Conference of the Modern Studies in Asia Network (MSIA). Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan.
- 01 June 2019: "Remix, Remediation & Retrofic(a)tion in Matthew Herbert’s The Music (2018)”. Conference of the International Word Music Association. Graz, Austria
30 May 2019: "Authenticity, Self-Fashioning and Popular Identity in Tom Cho’s Look Who’s Morphing (2009)”. Popularity and the Self. Vienna, Austria.
08 - 24 March 2019: “Performance and Poetics: Musical Affectivity in James Joyce.” NeMLA – 50th Anniversary Convention. Washington, DC, USA.
18-20 October 2018. “Neuroaesthetics and Intermediality in Words and Music: The Case of James Joyce.” International Association of Literary Semantics 2018 Symposium: Text Image Music: Crossing the Borders. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
13-15 September 2018. “Beckett’s ‘Ping’ between Precognition and the Posthuman”. Beckett and Technology. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 11-16 June 2018. “Sound Art? – Trying to make ‘soundsense’ of ‘sensesound’ in the Wake”. The Art of James Joyce. University of Antwerp, Belgium.
- 22-24 May 2018. Guest-Lectureship at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
- 3 May 2018. “Beckett’s Stages”. Guest-Lecture at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.
- 4-7 January 2018. #States of Insecurity – MLA Convention 2018 (attended). New York, NY (USA).
- 9-12 August 2017: "From Fragmented Language to a Poetics of Musical Affectivity". Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music. International Association for Word and Music Studies (WMA). Department of Culture and Aesthetics, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
- 24-28 July 2017: "Affect as Transnational Effect of Weltliteratur in Joyce and Beckett". IASIL 2017:Ireland's Writers in the 21st Century – The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Funded by HHU.
- 21-25 June 2017: "'[T]hat other wor[l]d' – Diaspora and Weltliteratur in Joyce and Beckett". Diasporic Joyce – North American James Joyce Conference. Victoria College, University of Toronto, Canada. Funded by the DAAD.
- 4-6 May 2017: "The Short-Story in (E)co-textual Environments". Short Fiction: Co-texts and Contexts – Le Récit Bref: Co-textes et Contexts. 3rd European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR) Conference. KU Leuven, Belgium.
- 20-22 April 2017: "A Poetics of Musical Affectivity". New Perspectives: The Fourteenth International Conference on English and American Literature and Culture. Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland.
- 1 March 2017: "Ursprünge von Musik und Sprache in James Joyces Ein Porträt des Künstlers als junger Mann (1916)." Heine Research Academies (HeRa). Haus der Universität, Düsseldorf.
- 5-8 January 2017: Boundary Conditions. MLA 2017 (attended). Philadelphia, (USA).
- 10-12 November 2016: "'Language of flow [...] Now! Language of love': Music, Sexuality and Affect in James Joyce”. Word Music Association Forum (WMAF) conference on "Music and Sexuality". Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University, Phoenix (USA).
- 21-24 September 2016: "Introducing ‘POP: Perspectives on Poetry’ – A Mash-up Project in Theory and Teaching" (with Alexander Zimbulov). Anglistentag 2016. University of Hamburg.
- 23-25 June 2016: Other Europes: Migrations, Translations, Transformations. First European MLA International Symposium (attended). Malkasten, Haus der Universität and Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
- 13-18 June 2016: "Negotiating Poetics of Affectivity in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man". Anniversary Joyce – 25th International James Joyce Symposium. SOAS, University of London, UK (funded by the Heine Research Academies).
- 13-14 May 2016: “Coherence and Counterpoint: Music in the Short Stories of James Joyce and Kazuo Ishiguro”. ‘The Child of the Century’: Reading and Writing Short Fiction Across Media. European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR) Conference. Edge Hill University, UK.
- 28-29 April 2016: Earth Writing. Literature and Geography: A Symposium (attended). Schloss Mickeln, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf.
- 8–9 April 2016: "'the after restoration of the latter': Self-Appropriation, Drugs, Delirium and Authorship" at Authorship and Appropriation. University of Dundee. Dundee, Scotland.
- 15-16 October 2015: "Dubliners 101". Constructing Coherence in the British Short Story Cycle. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.
- 13 May 2015: "Text and the City". Research Colloquium. Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf.
- 16-21 June 2014: "Acousma and Acousmatics in 'The Dead' and 'Sirens'." XXIV International James Joyce Symposium. Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands.
- 30 September 2013: "POP - Perspectives on Poetry". Sciencity Düsseldorf. Haus der Universität, Düsseldorf.
- 13-18 June 2010: "Joycean Musemathematics through the Looking Glass of the fuga per canonem". XXII International James Joyce Symposium. Charles University. Prague, Czech Republic.
- 7-10 January 2010: Symposium The Popularity of Literature/Die Popularität der Literatur. Malkasten, Düsseldorf.
- 2-8 August 2009: "The Memory of Music in 'Sirens'". Workshop Musicillogical Joyce. International James Joyce Foundation. Zurich, Switzerland.
- 16-18 April 2009: James Joyce Research Colloquium. James Joyce Research Centre. University College Dublin, Ireland.
- 3-9 August 2008: "Errears in 'Sirens'". Workshop Errears and Erroriboose. International James Joyce Foundation. Zurich, Switzerland.
- 11 - 17 June 2006: "The Function of Music in Dubliners". XX International James Joyce Symposium. Budapest-Szombathely, Hungary.
- March-April 2006: "Beckett and Music/Beckett and Radio Drama". Beckett 100. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf.
- 12-19 June 2004: XIXth. "Bloomsday 100" – International James Joyce Symposium. Dublin, Ireland.
- March 2004: Interdisciplinary Conference Beckett and German Culture/Beckett und die deutsche Kultur. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 12 January 2016: "75. Todestag von James Joyce. Die Darstellung der Musik durch Sprache". Moderation: Nele Freudenberger; Redaktion: Ulrike Gruner. Radio programme on the uses of music in the writings of James Joyce. Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR 3). (07:25 Min.).
Deutscher Anglistenverband (DAV)
European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR)
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL)
International James Joyce Foundation (IJJF)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Modern Studies in Asia Network (MSIA)
North Eastern Modern Language Association (NeMLA)