Welcome to the new Cultural Studies Blog of the RPTU English Department – edited by students for students.
We’re keen to bring to you lots of exciting, amusing, and, yes, also educating contributions about anglophone cultures. We’ll keep you informed about trending topics from politics and history to techniculture and pop-culture, including great student projects and personal experiences.
We Want You!
Do you have some commentary on Netflix’ latest? Have you discovered a fantastic or horrid podcast, vlog, or trend on social media? Did you bring back a funny anecdote or deep insights from your studies abroad? Have you maybe enjoyed reading an actual book, which you would like to recommend to others? Have you come across any fun facts in your cultural studies classes? Or do you perhaps have suggestions for additional topics we should include in the blog?
Just sit down, write a few lines and send them to ksw-anglistik-csblog(at)rptu.de .

Every student who submits an article can choose a book from our "WALL OF BOOKS"
Managing Editors: Paul Haneke and Emma Davidson
Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Kathleen Starck, Dr. Silvia Gerlsbeck & Ann Biedermann