Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Polzenhagen
Office hours: by appointment per e-mail
- (Cognitive) sociolinguistics / cultural linguistics
- Lexicography of L2-varieties of English
- Cognitive linguistics and ELT
- Grammaticalisation
- Theories of metaphor
- Critical discourse analysis
- History of English
- History of linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
Current project:
Member of (and member of the board of) the research network "Diversität & Transformation. Heterogene Gesellschaften als Herausforderung interdisziplinärer Forschung" (Potentialbereich der Forschungsinitiative RLP)
- Professor
- Leitung Selbstlernzentrum (SLZ)
- Vorsitzender Interne Akkreditierungskommission I
- Mitglied im Fachbereichsrat (FB Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften)
Externe Plattform für Publikationen
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2009). World Englishes: A Cognitive Sociolinguistic Approach. [ACL Application of Cognitive Linguistics 8]. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter
- (2007). Cultural Conceptualisations in West African English: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach. [Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture 69]. Frankfurt (Main) – Berlin: Peter Lang
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (eds.) (fc.). The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. 2nd ed. London: Routledge
- with Denisa Latić, Hans-Georg Wolf & Arne Peters (eds.) (2024). Special issue of World Englishes 43(3) [Title: Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes]
- with Monika Reif & Neele Mundt (eds.) (2024). Explorations into Language, Literature and Culture. Studies in Honour of Martin Pütz. [Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture]. Frankfurt (Main) – Berlin: Peter Lang
- with Monika Reif (eds.) (2023). Cultural Linguistics and Critical Discourse Studies. [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 103]. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins
- with Hans-Georg Wolf & Arne Peters (eds.) (2017). Special issue of International Journal of Language and Culture 4(2) [Title: Cultural linguistic contributions to World Englishes]
- with Peter Lucko & Lothar Peter (eds.) (2017). A Dictionary of Indian English. Compiled by Uwe Carls. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag
- with Zoltán Kövecses, Stefanie Vogelbacher & Sonja Kleinke (eds.) (2014). Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy. Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang
- with Hans-Georg Wolf & Lothar Peter (eds.) (2008). Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag
- (fc.). World Englishes: Dictionaries of varieties of English. In: Carol A. Chapelle (ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (fc.). Cultural metaphor. In: Hilary Nesi and Petar Milan (eds.), Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier
- (fc.). Cultural Linguistics and text types/genres in Englishes. In: Kingsley Bolton (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
- (fc.). Cultural conceptualisations in (Sub-Saharan) African Englishes. In: Kingsley Bolton (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
- with Arne Peters (fc.). World Englishes in advertising in Africa. In: Kingsley Bolton (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2024). Cultural Linguistics: Some disciplinary and terminological considerations. In: Alireza Korangy (ed.), The Handbook of Cultural Linguistics, 109-134. [Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics]. Singapore: Springer
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2017). World Englishes and cognitive linguistics. In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola & Devyani Sharma (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, 147-173. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- with Xiaoyan Xia (2015). Prototypes in language and culture. In: Farzad Sharifian (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture, 253-269. London: Routledge
- with René Dirven & Hans-Georg Wolf (2007). Cognitive linguistics and cultural studies. In: Dirk Geeraerts & Hubert Cuyckens (eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 1203-1221. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- with René Dirven & Hans-Georg Wolf (2007). Cognitive linguistics, ideology, and critical discourse analysis. In: Dirk Geeraerts & Hubert Cuyckens (eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 1222-1240. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- with Hans-Georg Wolf, Denisa Latić & Arne Peters (2024). World Englishes and cultural linguistics: Theory and research. Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes 43(3): 360-378
- with Denisa Latić, Hans-Georg Wolf & Arne Peters (2024). A research bibliography for world Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes 43(3): 523-531
- with Denisa Latić, Arne Peters & Hans-Georg Wolf (2024). Introduction: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics special issue. Special issue: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes 43(3): 356-359
- with Monika Reif (2024). LLL – The linguistic landscape of Landau. In: Monika Reif, Neele Mundt & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Explorations into Language, Literature and Culture. Studies in Honour of Martin Pütz, 215-254. [Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture]. Frankfurt (Main) – Berlin: Peter Lang
- with Monika Reif & Neele Mundt (2024). Introduction. In: Monika Reif, Neele Mundt & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Explorations into Language, Literature and Culture. Studies in Honour of Martin Pütz, 31-52. [Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture]. Frankfurt (Main) – Berlin: Peter Lang
- with Monika Reif (2023). Introduction: Cultural linguistics and critical discourse analysis. In: Monika Reif & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Cultural Linguistics and Critical Discourse Studies, 1-14. [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 103]. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins
- (2022). Reconsidering accounts of the grammaticalisation of auxiliaries: The cases of be-going-to and have-perfect. In: Mario Brdar & Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.), Figurative Thought and Language in Action, 113-139. [Figurative Thought and Language 16]. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins
- (2022). Critical reflections on the use of corpora for cross-varietal metaphor research. In: Ulrike Schröder, Milene Mendes de Oliveira & Adriana Tenuta (eds.), Metaphorical Conceptualizations: (Inter)Cultural Perspectives, 41-73. [ACL Application of Cognitive Linguistics 45]. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter
- with Neele Mundt (2022). Corona in the linguistic landscape. In: Andreas Musolff, Ruth Breeze, Kayo Kondo & Sara Vilar-Lluch (eds.), Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy, 135-165. London: Bloomsbury
- with Anna Finzel & Hans-Georg Wolf (2021). Colonial cultural conceptualizations and World Englishes. In: Alexander Onysko (ed.), Research Developments in World Englishes, 199-230. [Bloomsbury Advances in World Englishes]. London: Bloomsbury
- (2021). Prekäre Verbindlichkeiten aus kulturlinguistischer Perspektive: Eine Fallstudie zur Konzeptualisierung von Korruption im Westafrikanischen Englisch. In: Justus Heck & Jürgen Raab (eds.), Prekäre Verbindlichkeiten. Zur Labilität normativer Ordnungen, 45-67. [Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft. Schriften zur Wissenssoziologie]. Berlin: Springer
- with Arne Peters (2021). Genres and text-types from a cross-varietal and cognitive-cultural perspective: A case study on the contextualisation of classified adverts. In: Marcus Callies & Marta Degani (eds.), Metaphor in Language and Culture across World Englishes, 153-182. London: Bloomsbury
- (2021). Family matters: Cultural-linguistic investigations into the domain of family in Indian English. In: Farzad Sharifian & Marzieh Sadeghpour (eds.), Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes, 217-238. Singapore: Springer
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2021). Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications. In: Farzad Sharifian & Marzieh Sadeghpour (eds.), Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes, 361-399. Singapore: Springer. [revised reprint of Polzenhagen & Wolf 2007, In: Farzad Sharifian & Gary Palmer (eds.), Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for Second Language Learning and Intercultural Communication]
- (2020). Politisch korrekt, ökologisch richtig, gendergerecht, wissenschaftlich exakt: Ein Problemaufriss zu Sprachkorrekturbestrebungen. In: Georg Albert, Lothar Bluhm & Markus Schiefer Ferrari (eds.), Political Correctness. Kultur- und sozialgeschichtliche Perspektiven, 17-44. [Landauer Beiträge zur Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte 4]. Baden-Baden: Tectum
- with Hans-Georg Wolf & Arne Peters (2017). Cultural linguistic contributions to World Englishes. International Journal of Language and Culture 4(2): 121-126. [Special issue on ‘Cultural-linguistic contributions to the study of World Englishes’, edited by Hans-Georg Wolf, Frank Polzenhagen & Arne Peters]
- with Sandra Frey (2017). Indian-English matrimonial adverts: Notes on the contextualisation of a text type. International Journal of Language and Culture 4(2): 170-196. [Special issue on ‘Cultural-linguistic contributions to the study of World Englishes’, edited by Hans-Georg Wolf, Frank Polzenhagen & Arne Peters]
- (2017). Seltsame Tempora? Eigentümliche Aspekte? Gelegentliche Gedanken zum have-Perfekt und zur be-going-to-Form aus kognitiv-funktionaler Sicht. In: Saskia Kersten & Monika Reif (eds.), Neuere Entwicklungen in der angewandten Grammatikforschung: Korpora – Erwerb – Schnittstellen, 117-159. [FAL Forum Angewandte Linguistik 61]. Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang
- with Sandra Frey (2017). Are marriages made in heaven? A cultural-linguistic case study on Indian-English matrimonials. In: Farzad Sharifian (ed.), Advances in Cultural Linguistics, 573-606. [Cultural Linguistics 1]. Berlin: Springer
- with Peter Lucko & Lothar Peter (2017). Foreword by the editors / User’s guide / Notes on the word-formation supplement. In: Peter Lucko, Lothar Peter & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.) (2017), A Dictionary of Indian English, v-xvii. Compiled by Uwe Carls. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag
- (2014). What did 18th-century grammarians know about grammaticalisation? Notes on the early history of a current idea. In: Frank Polzenhagen, Zoltán Kövecses, Stefanie Vogelbacher & Sonja Kleinke (eds.), Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy, 225-239. Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang
- with Zoltán Kövecses, Stefanie Vogelbacher & Sonja Kleinke (2014). Editors‘ preface. In: Frank Polzenhagen, Zoltán Kövecses, Stefanie Vogelbacher & Sonja Kleinke (eds.), Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy, 7-14. Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2014). Cognitive sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English. In: Martin Pütz, Justyna A. Robinson & Monika Reif (eds.), Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language Use, 133-160. [BCT Benjamins Current Topics 59]. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins [Reprint of Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10(2)]
- (2012). Some notes on the role of metaphors in scientific theorising and discourse: Examples from the language science. In: Sonja Kleinke, Zoltán Kövecses, Andreas Musolff & Veronika Szelid (eds.), Cognition and Culture: The Role of Metaphor and Metonymy, 113-132. Budapest: EÖTVÖS University Press
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2012). Cognitive sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10(2): 373-400. [Special issue on ‘Cognitive Sociolinguistics’, edited by Martin Pütz, Justyna A. Robinson & Monika Reif]
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2010). Investigating culture from a linguistic perspective: An exemplification with Hong Kong English. ZAA [Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik] 58(3): 281-301. [Special issue on Linguistics and Cultural Studies, edited by Christian Mair & Barbara Korte]
- (2008). The so-called Tense-Aspect system of the English verb: A cognitive-functional view. In: Hans-Georg Wolf, Lothar Peter & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko, 219-246. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag
- with Hans-Georg Wolf & Lothar Peter (2008). Editors‘ note. In: Hans-Georg Wolf, Lothar Peter & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko, 13-17. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag
- with René Dirven (2008). Rationalist and romantic models in globalisation. In: Gitte Kristiansen & René Dirven (eds.), Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation, Cultural Models, Social Systems, 237-300. [CLR Cognitive Linguistics Research 39]. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2007). Fixed expressions as manifestations of cultural conceptualizations: Examples from African varieties of English. In: Paul Skandera (ed.), Phraseology and Culture in English, 399-435. [TiEL Topics in English Linguistics 54]. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2007). Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications. In: Farzad Sharifian & Gary Palmer (eds.), Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for Second Language Learning and Intercultural Communication, 125-168. [Converging Evidence in Communication and Language Research 7]. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2006). Intercultural communication in English: Arguments for a cognitively-oriented approach to intercultural pragmatics. Intercultural Pragmatics 3(3): 285-322
- with Hans-Georg Wolf (2003). Conceptual metaphor as ideological stylistic means: An exemplary analysis. In: René Dirven, Roslyn Frank & Martin Pütz (eds.), Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideologies, Metaphors, and Meanings, 247-275. [CLR Cognitive Linguistics Research 24]. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter
- (2021). Review of ‘Corpus Linguistics and African Englishes’, edited by Alexandra U. Esimaje, Ulrike Gut & Bassey E. Antia. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019. Journal of English Linguistics 49(4): 483-488
- (2017). Review of ‘Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics’ [HSK 39, de Gruyter Mouton] edited by Ewa Dąbrowska and Dagmar Divjak. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 28(1): 156-159
- (2016). Review of ‘Where Metaphors Come From: Reconsidering Context in Metaphor’ [OUP] by Zoltán Kövecses. Cognitive Linguistic Studies [CogLS] 3(1): 163-169
- (2005). Review of ‘Drawing a Map of Africa: Idiom in Kenyan English’ by Paul Skandera. English World-Wide 26(1): 104-111
- (2008). Peter Schmitter. The theory of word formation in early semasiology: A blank spot on the map of 19th-century linguistics. Language Sciences 30(5) [English transl. of: Schmitter, Peter (2004). Die Wortbildungstheorie der frühen Semasiologie. Ein weißer Fleck in den Geschichtsatlanten der Linguistik. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 14: 107-134]
- (2008). Klaus Hansen. Reflections on the concept of a linguistic situation. In: Hans-Georg Wolf, Lothar Peter & Frank Polzenhagen (eds.), Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag [English transl. of: Hansen, Klaus (1987). Zum Begriff der Sprachsituation. In: Klaus Hansen (ed.), Studien zur Sprachvariation (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Englischen), 6-49. Humboldt-Universität Berlin]
since June 2018 | University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU in Landau) |
winter term 2017/18 | Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau |
2007-2017 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
2014 | Habilitation (post-doctoral thesis) and venia legendi in English Philology (Linguistics) |
2006 | The University of Hong Kong, SAR Hong Kong |
2005 | PhD in English Linguistics (summa cum laude) |
2000 - 2005 | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2000 | 1. Staatsprüfung Lehramt Englisch/Deutsch |