Selected Publications


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna. 2012. “O conceito de casa em português europeu.” In: Avanços  em Ciências da Linguagem, red. Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Samartim, Roberto López-Iglésias, Elias J.Torres Feijó, Santiago de Compostela - Faro, Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas – Através Editora, pp. 343-358.


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna. 2012. “Portugalski dom, uma casa portuguesa.” In: Wartości w językowo-kulturowym obrazie świata Słowian i ich sąsiadów, 1, red. Maciej Abramowicz, Jerzy Bartmiński, Iwona Bielińska-Gardziel, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pp. 123-135.


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna. 2014. “Portugalski dom – badanie korpusowe.” In: Wartości w językowo-kulturowym obrazie świata Słowian i ich sąsiadów, 2, red. Jerzy Bartmiński, Iwona Bielińska-Gardziel, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pp. 41-52.


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna. 2014. “Jaki obraz domu mają młodzi Portugalczycy? Badanie ankietowe.” In: Wartości w językowo- kulturowym obrazie świata Słowian i ich sąsiadów, 3, red. Iwona Bielińska-Gardziel, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, Joanna Szadura,Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pp. 309-322.



Bułat Silva, Zuzanna & Stępień Maciej A. 2014. “La imagen lingüística de CASA en español y portugués.” In: Zuzanna Bułat Silva, Monika Głowicka, Justyna Wesoła (eds.). Variación, contraste, circulación. Perspectivas lingüísticas en el hispanismo actual. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, pp. 97-108.


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna. 2015. “Casa, portugalski dom.” In: Jerzy Bartmiński, Iwona Bielińska-Gardziel, Beata Zywicka (eds.). Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów, vol. 1, Lublin: Wydawnictowo UMCS, pp. 401-431.


Bułat Silva, Zuzanna & Agnieszka August-Zarębska A. 2016 “Recalling the past – the linguistic and cultural images of kurtijo, Sephardic courtyard,”Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 25: 96-117.


Butter, Stella. 2014. “Literature and the Making of Home(land): Transnational Fictions of Home in Lloyd Jones’s Mister Pip.” Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 23.2: 119-137.


Butter, Stella. 2015. “No place like home? Conceptualizations of ‘Home’ in Salman Rushdie’s ‘At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers’ and Roshi Fernando’s Homesick.” In: Florian Kläger & Klaus Stierstorfer (eds.). Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging. New York: De Gruyter, pp. 349-365.


Butter, Stella. 2015. “The Blackout of Community in Charlotte Jones’s The Dark (2004).” In: Susanne Bach & Folkert Degenring (eds.). Dark Nights, Bright Nights. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 147-162.


Butter, Stella. 2016. “Representations of Ideal Homes in English Culture: Gracious Living and the Creative Self in Matthew Reynolds’ Designs for a Happy Home.”  In: Nora Kuster, Stella Butter & Sarah Heinz (eds.). Subject Cultures: The English Novel from the 18th to the 21st Century. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 251-268.


Butter, Stella & Sarah Heinz (eds.). 2015. Special Issue “Focus on Community in British and Irish Cultural Production.”.Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies  26.1.


D’hoker, Elke. 2012. “The Poetics of House and Home in the Short Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen,” Orbis Litterarum 67.4: 267-289.


D’hoker, Elke. 2015. “The Challenges of Community in Rachel Cusk’s Arlington Park,” Anglistik 26.1: 13-24.


Heinz, Sarah. 2013. “Cú Chulainn Down Under: Peter Carey's True History of the Kelly Gang and the Ambivalences of Diasporic Irish Identity Construction in Australia.” Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies April: online.


Heinz, Sarah. 2013. “The Shite of Dublin: Body Metaphors, Biopolitics, and the Functions of Disgust in Sebastian Barry’s The Pride of Parnell Street and Gianina Carbunariu's Kebab.” JCDE: Journal for Contemporary Drama in English 1.1: 80-91.


Heinz, Sarah. 2015. “Sharing, the Gift, and the Search for Community in Darragh Byrne’s Parked,” Anglistik 26.1: 25-34.


Heinz, Sarah. “Celtic Tiger Ireland and the Politics of Disgust: White Trash in Leonard Abrahamson’s Film Adam and Paul and Sebastian Barry's Play The Pride of Parnell Street.” In: Narrating Ireland. Ed. Katharina Rennhak. Trier: WVT. (in print)


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2012. "Fending of Pain: David Grossman's Labyrinth of Language", in: Knowledge and Pain. Eds. Esther Cohen, Leona Toker, Manuela Consonni and Otniel Dror. Amsterdam: Rodopi.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2015. “Six Characters in Search of a Performer,” The Journal of Pirandello Studies 35.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2015. "Mattia Pascal's Punitive Mask," Italica 92.2.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2015. "Patrick White's Hungarian Connections," Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 15.2: Australian Literature /World Literature: borders, skins, mappings.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2016. "'My Last Duchess': An Invitation to Read a Painting' [Hebrew], Moznayim 90.5.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. 2017. "Romain Gary and the Aesthetics of Survival: From Genghis Cohn to King Solomon", Partial Answers 15.1.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. "Charity Begins at Home: The First Statutes of the Livorno Dowry Society", forthcoming in a compendium of articles presented at the international conference 'Religious Changes and Cultural Transformations in the Early Modern Western Sephardi Communities', Jerusalem 2016.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. "'She has them coming to Judaism:' Tradition and Jewish Affinity in Jewish Wills of 17th Century Livorno," forthcoming in EJJS.


Melcer-Padon, Nourit. "Le temps des animaux", forthcoming in Tour University publication.



Walters, Victoria. 2012. Joseph Beuys and the Celtic Wor(l)d: a language of healing. Zürich et al.: Lit Verlag.


Walters, Victoria. 2013. “Opening Up the Field: Joseph Beuys’ Anthropological Art.” In: R. Johler, C. Marchetti, B. Tschofen and C. Weith (eds). Kultur_Kultur: Denken. Forschen. Darstellen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann Verlag, pp. 311-317.