Partneruniversitäten des Fachs Anglistik
- Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln (UK)
- Bournemouth University, Bournemouth (UK)
- Northumbria University, Newcastle (UK)
- Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (USA)
- East Stroudsburg University, Pennsylvania (USA)
- Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina (USA)
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education (SAR, China)
- The University of Botswana (Botswana)

How to apply
The application deadline for the Fall Semester for ALL exchange programmes is December 15 of the previous year.
Applications should be submitted as an email attachment (PDF format, only one document please!) and addressed to all exchange coordinators involved in your programmes of choice.
Applications should include:
(i) a cover sheet (download here),
(ii) a CV (Lebenslauf) in English or German with a passport photograph (for tips on how to write a CV, please consult ),
(iii) a letter of motivation in English explaining why you are applying for this particular university and which courses you are intending to take during your semester abroad (approx. one page; top tips on writing your letter of motivation can be downloaded here), and
(iv) a copy of your academic transcript (Bescheinigung über bisher erbrachte Studienleistungen in allen Fächern) from KLIPS.